Published Books


SEKI. CIty Envi

Seki, Koki 2022. City, Environment, and Transnationalism in the Philippines: Reconceptualizing “the Social” from the Global South

This book discuses urban development and poverty, natural resource management, and transnational migration in the Philippines. It has a two-pronged task: to identify the process of neoliberal restructuring of “the social” observed in the social policies and development in the Global South, with the Philippines as a specific case, and to discuss what kind of alternative public sphere, which will be conceptualized as a “vernacular public sphere”, is emerging in such restructuring. Under contemporary globalization, and particularly with the progress of the neoliberal restructuring of “the social”, widespread arguments have emerged on the “withdrawal“, “shrinking“, “loss“, and “collapse“ of “the social”. Although the potential contours of alternative institutions and ideas after such restructuring remain unclear, we are increasingly reminded that our existence faces precarity and uncertainty, particularly by unpredictable incidents, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. It is hence an urgent task to reimagine and reconceptualize “the social“ in times of precarity and uncertainty. The present work deals squarely with this task by shedding light on the emergence of the alternative public sphere in the Global South.

Ethnographies of Globalization  

Edited by Koki Seki, 2020.

Details 詳細
How do various groups in the Global South respond to and manage chronic states of insecurity and precarity concomitant with contemporary globalization processes? While drawing on diverse ethnographic viewpoints in the Philippines, the authors analyze the impact of these processes through the conceptual framework of “emergent sociality,” a purported connectedness among individuals fostered through interactions, copresence, and conviviality within a community over a long duration. In so doing, the case studies in this volume suggest, illuminate, and debate insecurities that may be commonly shared among populations in the Philippines and throughout the Global South.

In Japanese

関 恒樹 『「社会的なもの」の人類学-フィリピンのグローバル化と開発にみるつながりの諸相』(明石書店、2017年)、(An Anthropology of the “Social”: Globalization, Development and Connectedness in the Philippines, 2017):


関 恒樹 『海域世界の民族誌―フィリピン島嶼部における移動・生計・アイデンティティ』(世界思想社、2007年)、Ethnography of Maritime Southeast Asia: Livelihood, Migration, and Identity in the Philippine Islands, 2007.  第24回大平正芳記念賞受賞(2008年).


Recipient of the 2008 Masayoshi Ohira Memorial Prize in Japan, an award given to outstanding works by individual authors, collaborations or compilations, which contribute to the development of “the Pacific Basin Community Concept” and regional studies of the Pacific Basin region.

The book was written based on the anthropological field work in the Visayan Islands, central Philippines. It is about the everyday lifeworld of the Visayan fishermen, wives, and children, colored by their hope and pleasure, desire and enmity evolving through interaction with the ecological features of the Asian maritime islands society as a background.


「後退する国家を生きる女性たち-フィリピンの海外雇用と条件付き現金給付の事例から」、『現代アジアの女性たち-グローバル化社会を生きる』福原裕二、吉村慎太郎編、新水社、235‐252頁, 2014。Seki, K., “Women Living under the Hollowed-out State: Cases of Feminization of International Migration and Conditional Cash Transfer in the Philippines”  in Fukuhara & Yoshimura, eds., Women in Contemporary Asia-Living in the Globalizing Societies, pp. 235-252, 2014.

In English

SEKI. CIty Envi

Seki, Koki 2022. City, Environment, and Transnationalism in the Philippines: Reconceptualizing “the Social” from the Global South, Oxon and New York: Routledge.

Ethnographies of Globalization

“Post-authoritarian sociality and urban governmentality: A socialized housing project in the Philippines,” in K. Seki (ed.) Ethnographies of Development and Globalization in the Philippines: Emergent Socialities and the Governing of Precarity. Oxon and New York: Routledge, 2020.  Preview 要旨

1.5 Generation

“Identity Construction of Migrant Children and Representation of the Family: The 1.5-Generation Filipino Youth in California, USA” in I. Nagasaka and A. Fresnoza-Flot (eds.) Mobile Childhoods in Filipino Transnational Families: Migrant Children with Similar Roots in Different Routes. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.151-178, 2015. Preview 要旨


“Crafting Livelihood in the Era of Neoliberal Environmentality”, in Eder, James and Oscar Evangelista eds., Palawan and Its Global Connections, pp.161-194, Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2014.

Communities at the Margins

“Maritime Migration in the Visayas: A Case Study of the Dalaguetenon Fisherfolk, Cebu” in G.W. Bautista and H. Umehara, eds., Communities at the Margins : Reflections on Social, Economic and Environmental Change in the Philippines, Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila Univ. Press, pp.193-221, 2004. Read preview under Google Books.

This book provides snapshots of issues in contemporary Philippine rural society set against the changes that transpired from the 1920s to the 1990s. 近年のフィリピンにおける環境変化に焦点を当てつつ、森林、農地、海域それぞれの資源を利用する人々の生活実践を長期間のフィールドワークに基づいて明らかにした研究書。

Bisayan Knowledge Movement and Identity 

“Social Change and Migration: A Case from Palawan,” in Iwao Ushijima and Cynthia N. Zayas (eds.), Bisayan Knowledge, Movement, and Identity, Quezon City: University of the Philippine Press, pp. 271-294, 2000.


Books   Journals  Conferences   Reports/ Reviews/ Essay


著作・論文など Publications

Books   Journals  Conferences   Reports/ Reviews/ Essays

① 著書 Books ( Details 詳細はこちら )

(A)単著  (In English and in Japanese)

  1. Seki, Koki 2022. City, Environment, and Transnationalism in the Philippines: Reconceptualizing “the Social” from the Global South, Oxon and New York: Routledge.  Details here 詳細
  2. 関 恒樹 『「社会的なもの」の人類学-フィリピンのグローバル化と開発にみるつながりの諸相』(明石書店、2017年),(An Anthropology of the “Social”: Globalization, Development and Connectedness in the Philippines, 2017). Details here 詳細.
  3. 関 恒樹 『海域世界の民族誌―フィリピン島嶼部における移動・生計・アイデンティティ』(世界思想社、2007年)、(Ethnography of Visayan Fishers – Migration, Livelihood, and Identity in Maritime Society in the Philippines, 2007) 第24回大平正芳記念賞受賞(2008年) Awardee of the Masayoshi Ohira Memorial Prize in Japan.

(B)編著  Edited Book

  1. 越智郁乃、関恒樹、長坂格、松井生子(共編著)2021『グローバリゼーションとつながりの人類学』(七月社)Details here詳細
  2. Seki, K. (ed.) 2020.  Ethnographies of Development and Globalization in the Philippines: Emergent Socialities and the Governing of Precarity. Oxon and New York: Routledge, 2020. Details here 詳細

(C)共著 (章分担)Compilation Book (Book Chapter)

  1. 関恒樹「ポスト権威主義体制期フィリピンにおける新たな社会性と都市統治-スラム再定住政策を事例に」、越智・関・長坂・松井編『グローバリゼーションとつながりの人類学』(七月社)、103-131頁。
  2. Seki, K. 2020. “Introduction: Emergent sociality, or what comes after “the social”?  in K. Seki (ed.) Ethnographies of Development and Globalization in the Philippines: Emergent Socialities and the Governing of Precarity. Pp. 1-16. Oxon and New York: Routledge, 2020.  Preview 要旨
  3. Seki, K. 2020. “Post-authoritarian sociality and urban governmentality: A socialized housing project in the Philippines,” in K. Seki (ed.) Ethnographies of Development and Globalization in the Philippines: Emergent Socialities and the Governing of Precarity. Pp. 17-42. Oxon and New York: Routledge, 2020.  Preview 要旨
  4. Seki, K. 2015. “Identity Construction of Migrant Children and Representation of the Family: The 1.5-Generation Filipino Youth in California, USA” in I. Nagasaka and A. Fresnoza-Flot (eds.) Mobile Childhoods in Filipino Transnational Families: Migrant Children with Similar Roots in Different Routes. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.151-178. Preview 要旨
  5. Seki, K. 2014. After “closing of the frontier”: Mobility and government in Visayan fishing communities in the twentieth century, in Zayas, Kawada, de la Pena (eds.), Visayas and Beyond: Continuing Studies on Subsistence and Belief in the Islands, pp111-132, Center for International Studies publications, University of the Philippines, Diliman.
  6. Seki, K. 2014. Crafting Livelihood in the Era of Neoliberal Environmentality, in Eder, James and Oscar Evangelista eds., Palawan and Its Global Connections, pp.161-194, Ateneo de Manila University Press.
  7. 関恒樹 2014.「後退する国家を生きる女性たち-フィリピンの海外雇用と条件付き現金給付の事例から」、『現代アジアの女性たち-グローバル化社会を生きる』福原裕二、吉村慎太郎編、新水社、235‐252頁。(Seki, K. 2014, “Women Living under the Hollowed-out State: Cases of Feminization of International Migration and Conditional Cash Transfer in the Philippines”, Fukuhara & Yoshimura eds., Women in Contemporary Asia-Living in the Globalizing Societies, pp235-252, in Japanese)
  8. Seki, K. 2004. “ Maritime Migration in the Visayas: A Case Study of the Dalaguetenon Fisherfolk, Cebu” in G.W. Bautista and H. Umehara, eds., Communities at the Margins : Reflections on Social, Economic and Environmental Change in the Philippines, Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila Univ. Press, pp.193-221.
  9. Seki, K. 2000. “Social Change and Migration: a Case from Palawan,” in Iwao Ushijima and Cynthia N. Zayas (eds.), Bisayan knowledge, Movement, and Identity, Quezon City: University of the Philippine Press, pp. 271-294.  Preview 要旨.

Books   Journals  Conferences   Reports/ Reviews/ Essays

査読付論文  Peer Reviewed Journal Publications

  1. Seki, K. 2015. “Capitalizing on Desire: Reconfiguring ‘the Social’ and the Government of Poverty in the Philippines”,  Development and Change 46(6): 1253–1276, 2015. Preview 要旨
  2. 関恒樹 2013.「越境する子どものアイデンティティと『家族』の表象-アメリカ合衆国におけるフィリピン系1.5世代移民の事例から」『文化人類学』78(3):367-398, 2013年。(Seki, K. “Identitiy of Migrant Children and Representation of ‘Family’: The Case of Filipino ‘1.5-Generation’ Immigrants in the United States”, Bunkajinruigaku: Japanese Journal of Cultural Anthropology, Vol.78, No.3: 367-398. 2013.)
  3. 関恒樹 2013.「スラムの貧困統治にみる包摂と非包摂-フィリピンにおける条件付現金給付の事例から-」『アジア経済』54(1):47-80、2013年. Details:詳細 (“Inclusion and Non-inclusion in the Government of Urban Poverty: The Case of the Conditional Cash Transfer Program (Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, 4Ps) under the Aquino Administration, AJIA KEIZAI: Quartely Journal of Institute of Development Economies: Vol.54(1): 47-80,2013.
  4. Seki, K. 2012.“Difference and Alliance in Transnational Social Fields: The Pendular Identity of the Filipino Middle Class,” Philippine Studies Vol.60(2):187-222. Preview 要旨.
  5. Seki, K. 2010.”Governing Through Exclusion: The Un/Making of the “Citizen” and “Community” through Neoliberal Urban Development in Metro Manila, Philippines” , Japanese Review of Cultural Anthropology, Vol11: 67-101.
  6. 関恒樹 2009.「トランスナショナルな社会空間における差異と共同性―フィリピン人ミドルクラス・アイデンティティに関する考察―」『文化人類学』74巻3号、1-24頁、2009年。(“Differences and Alliances in a Transnational Social Space – An Analysis of Filipino Middle-class Identity”, Bunkajinruigaku: Japanese Journal of Cultural Anthropology 74(3) 1-24. 2009).  Preview 要旨.
  7. Seki, K. 2009.“Green Neoliberalism, Ecogovernmentality, and Emergent Community: A Case of Coastal Resource Management in Palawan, the Philippines.” Philippine Studies Vol.57(4):901-36. Preview 要旨.
  8. 関恒樹 2009.「グリーン・ネオリベラリズムとエイジェンシーの共同体―フィリピンの海域資源管理の事例から」『文化人類学』73巻4号、477-498頁、2009年。(“Green Neoliberalism, Agency, and Community – A Case of Coastal Resource Management in the Philippines”, Bunkajinruigaku: Japanese Journal of Cultural Anthropology 73(4): 477-498, 2009). Preview  要旨.
  9. 関恒樹 2004.「低地フィリピン社会における主体・エイジェンシー・アイデンティティ―個に内在する力としてのドゥガン dungan の観念に注目して―」『史苑』64巻2号、13-38頁、2004年。(“Subject, Agency, and Identity in the Lowland Philippines- Focusing on the Concept of Dungan as a Folk Notion of Power”, Shi-en 64(2): 13-38). Preview 要旨.
  10. 関恒樹 2003.「フィリピン・ビサヤ民俗社会における力・主体・アイデンティティに関する予備的考察‐dunganの観念について‐」『アジア社会文化研究』(アジア社会文化研究会)第4号、105-121頁、2003年。
  11.  Seki, K. 2002.”Fiesta, Patron Saint, and the Concept of Gahum: A Preliminary Study on the Folk Notion of Power among Cebuano Migrant Fisherfolk.” Philippine Quarterly of Culture and Society , Vol.30(1/2):111-137. Preview 要旨.
  12. 関恒樹 2002.「マリア・カカオと黄金の船‐フィリピン・ビサヤ海域社会における口頭伝承の生成‐」『史苑』62巻2号、6-29頁、2002年。(“Maria Cacao and Golden Boat – The Legend and Image of Homeland among the Visayan Migrants, Philippines”, Shi-en 62(2): 6-29, 2002). Preview 要旨.
  13. Seki, K. 2001. “Rethinking Maria Cacao: Legend-making in the Visayan Context.” Philippine Studies Vol.49(4):560-583.
  14.  Seki, K. 2000.”Wherever the Waves Carry Us: Historical Development of a Visayan Fisherfolk’s Livelihood Strategies.” Philippine Quarterly of Culture and Society Vol.28(No.2): 133-157. Preview 要旨.
  15. 関恒樹 1998.「フィリピン・ビサヤ地方の島嶼間移動を支える社会関係‐セブアノ漁民のライフ・ヒストリーの考察を中心に‐」『史苑』59巻1号、42-71頁、1998年。
  16. 関恒樹 1997.「フィリピン・ビサヤ地方の移動漁民に関する一考察」『民族学研究』62巻3号、294-314頁、1997年。

Books   Journals  Conferences   Reports/ Reviews/ Essays

国際会議発表論文  International Conferences

  1. Cities in the Anthropocene: Beyond the urbanization as citizenship project, 5th Philippine Studies Conference in Japan, Nov 26, 2022, Tokyo University, Kamaba, Tokyo, Japan
  2. Post-Authoritarian Sociality and Urban Governmentality: Slum Eviction and Socialized Housing Project in the Philippines, 118th Annual Meeting of American Anthropological Association, November, 23, 2019, American Anthropological Association, Vancouver, Canada
  3. Governing the Risks and Precariousness under the Contemporary Reconfiguration of “the Social”: the Ethnographies of Vulnerability and Resilience in the Philippines”, The 10th International Conference on Philippine Studies, July 6-8, 2016, Dumaguete City, Philippines.
  4. Deploying “the Social” without Welfare State: Complexity and Contradiction Experienced in the Philippines, paper presented at the 114th Annual Meeting of American Anthropological Association, Nov 18-22, 2015, Denver, Colorado, USA.
  5. Reconfiguration of “the Social” and the Government of Poverty in the Philippines: A Case of Conditional Cash Transfer in Slum Community of Manila, paper presented at the 113th Annual Meeting of American Anthropological Association, Dec 3-7, 2014, Washington D.C., USA.
  6. Neoliberal Poverty Alleviation, Moral Discourse, and Mutation of “the Social”: A Case of a Slum Community in the Philippines, IUAES 2014, May 15-18, 2014, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan.
  7. Citizenship Project and Contested Notion of “Help”: Dilemma and Unintended Outcomes of Neoliberal Social Policy in the Philippines, the 3rd Philippine Studies Conference in Japan (PSCJ), Feb. 28 – March 1, 2014,  Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.
  8. Capitalizing on the Desire: The Government of Poverty under the Neoliberal Social Policy in the Philippines, the 112th Annual Meeting of American Anthropological Association, November 20-24, 2013, Chicago, USA.
  9. The Government of Urban Poverty and Neoliberal Spcial Policy: A Case of Conditional Cash Transfer in the Philippines, The 17th World Congress of the IUAES, the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, in University of Manchester, 5th -10th August 2013.
  10. Inclusion and Non-inclusion under the Government of Urban Poverty: A Case Study of Conditional Cash Transfer (Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program) under the Aquino Government, 9th International Conference on Philippine Studies, Oct 28 to 30, 2012, Michigan State University
  11. Difference and Identity in the Transnational Social Field: A Case of the Filipino 1.5 Generation Children in the United States, Third International Conference on Geographies of Children, Young People and Families, National University of Singapore, 11th -13th of July, 2012
  12. Difference and Alliance in Transnational Social Fields: Pendulum Identity of the Filipino Middle Class, the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Perth, University of Western Australia, July 5 to 8, 2011
  13. After the “Closing of the Frontier”: Governmentality and Creation of Eco-rational Subjects, The Second Philippine Studies Conference in Japan (PSCJ 2010), International Congress Center Epochal Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, Nov. 13 to 14, 2010.
  14. “The Accidental Scholar as Activist: From Ecocolonialism to Effective Transnational Alliances in Palawan’s Environmental Movement” (Poster Presentation at Society for Applied Anthropology, 69th Annual Meeting, March 17-21, 2009, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Co-authored with Rebecca L. Austin, Noah Theriault, Dante Dalabajan, Dario Novellino, Wolfram Dressler, Michael Fabinyi, Melanie Hughes McDermott, and Nicole Revel).
  15. “Coastal Resource Management, Emergent Community, and Alternative Public Sphere: A Case of Palawan, Philippines″, (presented at 8th International Conference of Philippine Studies, 23-25July 2008, Philippine Social Science Center, Metro Manila, Philippines)
  16. “Maritime Migration in the Visayas:A Case Study of the Fisherfolk from Dalaguete,Cebu.(Presentation at the 6th International Conference of Philippine Studies, October 11 to 14, 2000, Quezon City, Philippines)

Books   Journals  Conferences   Reports/ Reviews/ Essays

研究ノート、報告書、書評、エッセイなど  Report, Book Review, Essay

  1. Seki, K. 2020 Book Review,  Passionate revolutions: The media and the rise and fall of the Marcos regime, By TALITHA ESPIRITU (Athens: Ohio University Press, 2017.), Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, Vol51:1-2; 307-309.
  2. 関恒樹 2020.書評:細田尚美著『幸運を探すフィリピンの移民たち―冒険・犠牲・祝福の民族誌』(『東南アジア―歴史と文化』49巻:250-254頁)
  3. 関恒樹 2019. 「セブアノ」『東南アジア文化事典』, 丸善出版
  4. 関恒樹 2017. 書評:牧紀男・山本博之(編著)『国際協力と防災―つくる・よりそう・きたえる』(『東南アジア研究』542号:266268頁)
  5. 関恒樹 2016.「フィリピンの地方社会を生きる人びと-資源利用をめぐる制度と実践に注目して」大野拓司、鈴木伸隆、日下渉(編)『フィリピンを知るための63章』明石書店、3539
  6. Seki, K. 2015. The Filipino Identity and its “Performativity”, “Fluidity”, and “Ambivalence”, Sabangan vol.1. 34-37, (Philippine Women’s University).
  7. 事典項目:「海域世界」(『世界民族百科事典』国立民族学博物館編集, 2014, 丸善出版)
  8.  書評:東賢太朗著『リアリティと他者性の人類学―現代フィリピン地方都市における呪術のフィールドワークから』(『東南アジア研究―歴史と文化―』, 43巻:95-98頁, 2013)
  9. 書評:永田貴聖著『トランスナショナル・フィリピン人の民族誌』(『文化人類学』76巻2号:201-205, 2011)
  10. 書評:長坂格著『国境を越えるフィリピン村人の民族誌―トランスナショナリズムの人類学』(『コンタクト・ゾーン』4巻:245-250頁, 2010)
  11. 報告書「排除と包摂の都市統治―マニラ首都圏都市貧困層地区における『市民』と『コミュニティ』の創出」(科研費報告書『フィリピンにおける社会階層の動態と社会経済変化―市民社会・共同性創出の可能性―』代表・西村知鹿児島大学教授)
  12. 報告書「トランスナショナルな社会空間における差異と共同性の生成―フィリピン・マニラ首都圏の事例から」, 科研費報告書『グローバル時代におけるフィリピン社会―共同性と複数性』(科研費報告書 代表・西村知鹿児島大学教授)
  13. 書評:川田牧人著『祈りと祀りの日常知―フィリピン・ビサヤ地方バンタヤン島民族誌』(『東南アジア―歴史と文化-』, 34巻: 140-144頁, 2005)
  14. 「フィリピン・フロンティアにおける資源をめぐる『日常の政治学』-移民社会の動態研究のための覚え書き‐」『族』31号、1-17頁、1999年。
  15. 「フィリピンにおける大学と社会-フラタニティに注目して‐」『異文化交流』Ⅲ, 12-23頁、1998年。
  16. 「フィリピン・ビサヤ移動漁民諸集団の比較研究のためのノート」『RUGAS(立教大学地理人類学研究)』15号、31-40頁、1997年。

Books   Journals  Conferences   Reports/ Reviews/ Essays


The Second Philippine Studies Conference in Japan (PSCJ2010)国際フィリピン研究会議


Nov.13 to 14 , 2010 (Internatioinal Congress Centere Ephocal Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan)

Panel 5: Environmental Change, Resource Management, and Community in the Age of Neoliberal Governmentality: A Case from the Philippine Localities

Paper 1: After the “Closing of the Frontier”: Govermentality and Creation of Eco-rational Subject (Koki Seki, Hiroshima Univ.)

Paper 2: Contextualizing Marine Protected Areas: A Case from Southeast Cebu, Philippines (Shio Segi, Australian National University)

Paper3: Zoning Resources, Zoning People: Eco-governmentality and Non-timber Forest Products Collection in the Philippines (James Eder, Arizona State University)

Paper 4: Swidden Governmentality and Manifest Destinies on Palawan Island, Philippines (Wolfram Dressler, The University of Queens Land)